Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Just some filler until next month!!!

I say until next month because I'm promising to update significantly in February!! I have some free time then so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. So stay tuned and I hope you like some of these "oldies" in the meantime.


Gladiator Concepts

The Rider

This is an idea for "The Rider" theme that some of us were doing at work. I never got a chance to finish it... maybe next month! :P

Asian God of Thunder


RAWLS said...

Oldies but goodies my friend!! Nice stuff bro!

Rice and Eggs said...

Next month Rawlsy, I promise. Stay tuned next month... if you don't get anything from me in Feb. then ping me up and yell at me. Shit, I might even do some robots just for you!!!!!! :P


Raox said...

you are the man, Bart!!!

. said...

Cool!! stuff :)

Nico Di Mattia said...

Amazing artworks!!!!!!!

Rice and Eggs said...

Thanks guys!!! I appreciate the feedback... and when I said I'd post "next month", I meant in March. :P woops, my bad... sorry Rawlsy.