Monday, April 26, 2010

I know, I know... I'm a nerd...

...  I'm a nerd but I just thought this was cool seeing the ImagineFX magazine, that I had a workshop tutorial in, on the stands the other day.  I know it's not an art post, but what can I say...  it was cool to see!



Unknown said...

no idea what the guy said before me-but it looks like quality shizz

anyways-yes you are a nerd-but I guess we all are afterall...

grats again bro!

tooled said...


butah talented one at that!


Anonymous said...

I just got my hands on it and just read it. Great stuff. I bring Imaginefx to almost every chicken farm I work on and read it on my break.

Anonymous said...

I have subcribe fx. . its awesome.